
JJS3 are the call-letters for the one man army that is Jonas J. Smith, III. In the 1990s, Smith was best known as a founding member of renowned Canadian indie power-pop punk heroes Field Day. After parting ways, he would spend a decade literally off-grid in Canada's Yukon Territory crafting what would become the JJS3 Self-Titled EP, eventually seeing release in 2009.

Where the S/T EP broaches heavy and epic territory both lyrically and musically, 2010's Hornthrower single is a cut to the chase rocker. All meat and no potatoes, its irresistible chorus hearkens back to the brightest song-writing moments of Smith's Field Day era, while maintaining the low-end onslaught of the EP.

In proper D.I.Y. form, Smith truly did it all himself - played all instruments, performed all vocals, handled production duties, graphic design, etc. resulting in intimate, personal and multi-faceted releases.

During the festivals, club gigs and Western Canadian tour of 2010-11, Smith was joined by the core members of longtime Yukon thrash metal fixtures Nemesis, (Eric Ireland - guitar/vocals, Mike Jones - guitar/vocals and Yves Paradis - drums). A full-length recording of the four-piece line-up's live arrangements as well as new material has been recorded by and is in its final stages of production prior to its upcoming release. Stay tuned.